Insegnante Inglese Lido di Ostia Roma Madrelingua Inglese Lezioni di Conversazione e Grammatica

On Going to Sleep • Sull’Andare a Letto:

I usually go to bed around 11 in the evening.  vado a letto

I brush my teeth, put on my pajamas and then get into bed.  mi metto a letto

It’s easy for me to get to sleep.  riuscire ad adormentarmi  

I don’t need any sleeping pills to put me to sleep.  farmi addormentare

In fact, I occasionally fall asleep while reading  mi addormento...


On Suggestions • Sugerimenti:

Do you want to do something tonight?

Let's go to the cinema.

Ok. Should we invite our husbands too?

I'd rather not. Why don't we go alone, just the 2 of us?

Ok. What shall we see?...

On Meeting & Knowing • Conoscere & Sapere:

Do you want to do something tonight?

Let's go to the cinema.

Ok. Should we invite our husbands too?

I'd rather not. Why don't we go alone, just the 2 of us?

Ok. What shall we see?...

On Uses of 'JUST' • Usi di ‘JUST:


We got to the station just in time, the train was

just about to leave. (giusto in tempo)

He was just leaving when the phone rang. (stava

giusto partendo...)


On the Letter 'H' • la pronuncia della lettera 'H':

Prima di tutto, non preoccupatevi, perchè non siete soli.

La 'H' non esiste nella lingua Italiana e così è naturale che ci vuole un pò di sforzo...

ma è essenziale pronunciarla correttamente per essere capito bene...

On Pronuciation • Poesia della Pronuncia:

Dearest creature in creation,

Study English pronunciation.

I will teach you in my verse

Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse.

I will keep you, Suzy, busy...


On the Letter 'S' • la pronuncia della lettera 'S':

• Sui Diversi Ruoli della Lettera 'S' e l’importanza

di pronunciarla

1) • S - crea il Plurale dei sostantivi contabili: 1

apple; 2 appleS

• S - crea il Gruppo / la Categoria in Genere (di cose...


On Today & Tomorrow Su Oggi & Domani:


last year / last week last night

a few days ago

2 days ago the other day

the day before yesterday...

On the 5 Senses • Sui 5 Sensi:

• The Sense of HEARING - audition / audio perception

Base verb: to hear • Simple Past: heard • Past Participle: heard

I HEAR a SOUND with my EARS and it SOUNDS interesting.

It SOUNDS like people chanting quietly...

On the Origins of the Names of the Days of the Week • Sui Origini dei nomi della Settimana:

In English, names of the days of the week are derived from Roman, Germanic and Norse mythology.  Thanks to the long history of the English language, words of the days of the week came from different cultures and languages...


Breakfast Lunch Dinner Tea Supper ?? • Colazione Pranzo Cena Merenda??...:

In the U.K. these expressions not only traditionally relate to the time of day the meal is eaten, the type of food and the size of the meal, but even your social status and location. That’s why it can get confusing…
